At Lugg, we are proud to celebrate the dedication and hard work of our employees. Today, we are excited to highlight Morenike Olufemi, who is marking her two-year anniversary on the Customer Support Team at Lugg. Morenike has been an invaluable part of our team, balancing her full-time role with her college studies. To celebrate this milestone, we asked Morenike a few questions about her journey with Lugg. Here’s what she had to say:

👋 Introducing Morenike, Lugg Customer Support Team Member

"I’m Morenike! In my last 2 years of college. I enjoy everything related to art, film, editing, content creation, and of course, Lugg!"

🌱 How has your journey with Lugg helped you grow professionally or personally?

"Lugg has helped me grow both professionally and personally. Balancing full-time work and full-time school is challenging, but I appreciate the support I receive from my team. With Lugg's help, completing school becomes possible. How ready and willing everyone is to help out! Also, all questions are valid, and I’m not afraid to ask my team a question, no matter how silly it may sound."

🧑‍💻 What's one thing about working at Lugg that has surprised you in a positive way?

"How ready and willing everyone is to help out! Also, all questions are valid, and I’m not afraid to ask my team a question, no matter how silly it may sound."

☕️ What does your day-to-day look like?

"In the morning, I prepare French toast and a cold brew for myself. I recently learned how to make cold foam, and now it's a part of my morning routine. After that, I clock in and prepare to assist customers, Luggers, and my team in emails, chats, texts, or on the phone!"

🏡 Reflecting on your time with Lugg, what's been the most rewarding part of working remotely?

"Honestly, I love being able to help people while still having the flexibility to attend school. Commuting takes up so much of my time, but as soon as I finish work I'm already home and ready to hit the books!"

⭐️ Can you share a standout moment or achievement from your work with Lugg that you're particularly proud of?

"Any email in which I can assist customers with their concerns. Moving is stressful, and easing customer concerns makes me proud. Getting a thank-you email for resolving a customer’s concern warms my heart!"

Morenike’s dedication and positive attitude have made a significant impact on our team and our customers. We are grateful for her contributions and look forward to many more years of her being part of the Lugg family. Congratulations on your two-year anniversary, Morenike!
